Wet and Puffy Model Lina Jones
Biography for:

Lina Jones


Nationality: Spain

Birthday: 33

Breast size: C

Weight: 60 kg / 132 lbs

Height: 164 cm / 5' 5"

Content from Lina Jones

Tattooed Squirter Girl: Lina Jones Time: 17:08 Tattooed brunette Lina Jones makes her debut on Wet and Pissy in tight denim hotpants and this naughty babe suddenly starts peeing her pants! She makes a nice juicy puddle on the floor and mops up her piss once she strips from her shorts then sucks the moist fabric. Lina strips naked and rubs her wet pussy before she releases another stream of piss down onto a red foot stool. She laps up her pee to give herself a taste of piss drinking then splashes her naked body! Grabbing hold of a red dildo, Lina sits on the stool and fucks her pussy. She places a red bowl on the ground and rubs herself, catching another stream of pee into it. She lays on the ground and fucks herself frantically with her sex toy. Finishing off with her fingers, Lina masturbates to a squirting orgasm and finally dives in a puddle of her golden piss!
Aug 9, 2022

Content from Lina Jones in our other sites

Viewpoint POV - Weliketosuck Girl: Lina Jones Time: 19:04 Tattooed hottie Lina Jones is dressed up while on vacation and slowly strips for our cameraman. Wearing only a pair of white lace panties underneath her jacket, this naughty minx knows how to tease and leans over to start sucking cock! Lina licks the tip of our studs cock and then works down his shaft while looking towards the camera in POV. This viewpoint certainly gets more lively as cock hungry Lina continues to give her outdoor blowjob! Laying on her side, we get to see her hot inked body as she deepthroats and strokes off our guy. Moving onto his balls, Lina sucks on them and speeds things up as she makes our stud cum and takes a messy cumshot over her tongue and chest! This is one outdoor cock sucking experience you won't want to miss!
May 10, 2024
Anal BFFs - Simplyanal Girl: Lina Jones Time: 35:49 Gorgeous best friends Pamela Sanchez and Lina Jones are talking about sex while sitting in their convertible car. They are approached by a hot stud who offers his assistance and takes out his cock immediately! Pamela starts sucking him off while Lina eagerly watches, then steps out of the car to join in. These sex crazed hotties are now both out of the car and squat down to give this lucky stud a double blowjob before Pamela climbs on top of his shaft to ride him. She gets her pussy stuffed in a few positions, making way for Lina to have some fun too! Lina bends over into the doggystyle position to take an ass fucking and then switches positions onto her back before these naughty BFFs share this guys cumshot. They suck him dry and kiss to cum swap, finishing off their hardcore anal porno!
Apr 8, 2024
Outdoor ATM - Simplyanal Girl: Lina Jones Time: 25:51 Stocking clad hottie Lina Jones is outside in the sun ready for some fun as our stud gives her pussy some pleasure. She wastes no time in squatting down and treating him to a tit job before she starts sucking his cock. This hot couple don't care who might see them as Lina gets her ass oiled up and fingered. She bends over a footstool and enjoys a slow and sensual ass fucking, with our guy speeding things up as her ass stretches with each thrust inside her! Lina changes positions and lays down to continue their anal sex session, masturbating at the same time. This cock hungry babe takes our stud's cock from ass to mouth and deepthroats him, making things nice and sloppy! She continues to move between her ass and mouth and finally takes a messy facial after enjoying her outdoor sex session!
Jan 29, 2024
Ass Fuck Frenzy - Simplyanal Girl: Lina Jones Time: 19:56 Raven haired hottie Lina Jones returns to SimplyAnal in our newest anal sex scene and this camo cutie is outside teasing our stud in a sexy uniform and spike heels! Lina strips down to her crotchless fishnet pantyhose and bends over to get her ass fucked from the very start and our stud fucks her balls deep, rampantly pounding her hole! Going from ass to mouth, naughty Lina enjoys deepthroating and slurping on our guys cock before they continue their anal sex session as she lays on her side to get ass fucked some more! We zoom in close to watch Lina's ass take even more slamming and this tattooed hottie moves between her mouth and ass in this outdoor anal porno! After her asshole is sufficiently stuffed, sex crazed Lina kneels down and gets covered in cum, sucking our stud completely dry!
May 22, 2023
Cock For Two - Weliketosuck Girl: Lina Jones Time: 20:20 Brunette best friends Lina Jones and Africa Dangers are outside playfully spanking each others asses and kissing. Their vacation sun has certainly got them in the mood! As they get naked, these naughty babes are soon joined by a rock hard stud who can't wait for them to wrap their lips around his cock! They work together treating him to a blowjob, giving his balls and shaft some attention as they swap between the two! These cock sucking cuties love slurping on his dick and deepthroat too after our guy sits down. If you love watching amateur blowjob scenes, this threesome will keep you staring at your screen! Giving our stud a handjob together, Lina and Africa continue their oral skils until our stud sprays his load between them over their tongues!
Feb 24, 2023
Lina Loves Anal - Simplyanal Girl: Lina Jones Time: 20:36 Tattooed brunette Lina Jones wastes no time as she starts our latest Simply Anal scene by sucking off our photographer! She is dressed in white lingerie and eagerly works his shaft with both her mouth and hands. Lina enjoys giving her POV blowjob and slaps our guys shaft against her tits before she bends over to take an ass fucking, again in POV. Her big ass jiggles about as Lina takes an ass pounding, easily stretching her hole. She turns over on her back where their anal sex continues, and our guy zooms in closeup on his shaft penetrating her asshole! Lina frantically masturbates at the same time and gapes apart her ass when our stud pulls out. This filthy babe takes his cock from ass to mouth and takes a messy cumshot all over her stretched-apart ass and pussy, making a huge mess as she shakes herself about!
Jan 16, 2023
Stretched To Orgasm - Wetandpuffy Girl: Lina Jones Time: 22:10 Tattooed vixen Lina Jones is laying on her bed in red lingerie and white lace topped stockings and ready to have some fun. She rubs her hands all over her body and kneels up to show off her ass before moving onto her tits which she squeezes together through her red lace bra top. Lina takes it off and lays down on the bed to pull her panties up between her puffy pussy lips. She gapes her hole apart one her panties come off and Lina fingers her juicy puffy pussy too! This horny babe uses a pussy pump on herself and swells up her labia which gets sucked up inside the glass tube. She loves how it feels and we zoom in close on her pussy lips as they expand. Lina moves onto a monster sized flesh dildo which she strokes and sucks before stretching herself wide apart as she fucks her pussy! Finishing herself off while riding her dildo on the bed, Lina orgasms in her debut scene here on Wet and Puffy!
Aug 10, 2022

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