Wet and Puffy Model Lana Ray
Biography for:

Lana Ray


Nationality: Russian Federation

Birthday: 27

Breast size: B

Weight: 48 kg / 105 lbs

Height: 163 cm / 5' 5"

Content from Lana Ray

Shy Lana Girl: Lana Ray Time: 26:34 The first thing that you will notice about Lana is how much she loves to smile. She's a natural for the camera. Her eyes, perfectly synchronized with her smile, grab hold with an overwhelming power. Lana's lovable personality sheds some light on how much fun a girl can have in the sometimes misunderstood niche of pissing. Trust is one of the most integral pieces and seeing how carefree and inviting Lana is shows the fruits of that bond. On the physical side of things, Lana is as diversified as it gets. She pisses from a sitting position on the table, spreading her legs open, aiming for her now defunct clothing. Later, with one leg riding on the table and the other on the floor, she pees beautifully straight down to the floor. After she finishes off with her golden rod, she tosses it on the floor, focusing on pissing again and then finally peeing into a glass. A cute goodbye wave from Lana wraps things up nicely.
Feb 8, 2016

Content from Lana Ray in our other sites

Blowjobs Collection #1 - Weliketosuck Girl: Lana Ray Time: 24:51 Join us this week on We Like to Suck for the most perfect blowjob compilation you'll ever see! With some familiar faces such as Lana Ray and Antonia Sainz, watch as these hot and hardcore European babes work these shafts with their mouths, offering some of sloppiest blowjobs yet. Lana starts off this compilation and gets face fucked, spitting all over her stud and takes a messy facial over her face and in her mouth. Member favourite, Antonia Sainz gets some help stripping then kneels before licking her man's shaft. She takes a facial and seductively rubs it all over her hot, naked body! Some of our other stunning girls prove their cock sucking skills in this scene with one thing in common, they can't get enough dick and we can't stop watching!
Jul 12, 2019
Ass Pleasuring Pornstars - Simplyanal Girl: Lana Ray Time: 31:59 Lana Ray and Vanessa Decker love to play with each other so we jumped at the chance to film them for Simply Anal. While dressed in sexy lingerie, these gorgeous brunettes kiss and start to strip until both girls are naked. Ass rimming and fingering fun follows before Vanessa sticks her tongue up Lana's tight ass while she rides her face. Grabbing hold of a purple dildo, Vanessa takes it hard and fast up her ass before Lana takes her turn. Both girls can't wait to taste their juices and lick the dildo clean while both get off and passionately kiss to end a perfect ass play scene!
Apr 23, 2016
Sweet Lana - Weliketosuck Girl: Lana Ray Time: 34:47 Stunning babe Lana shows off her long legs in black lace topped stockings and lingerie. She is feeling really dominant and pushes our guy onto the edge of the sofa, using her mouth to her best abilities as she sucks and teases the tip of his cock! She starts to strip and sits back on his cock, letting it fill her pussy before going back to her mouth and licking our guys balls! Letting her pussy get pounded in various positions, including on top and doggy style, Lana cant get enough dick and she enjoys a finale of a cumshot in her mouth which drops down over her tits!
Apr 2, 2016
Cherry Ray - Wetandpuffy Girl: Lana Ray Time: 28:59 Gorgeous brunette Lana Ray joins us on Wet and Puffy in black lace lingerie and stockings. She teases in a leather chair before slipping out of her outfit and showing off her toned body. Her ass is particularly curvy for someone so slender, and Lana uses it to her advantage as she sticks it out towards the camera, also showing her protruding pussy lips! She oils herself up and masturbates, using a pussy pump and a red vibrator on her ass. Moving onto a black dildo, Lana satisfies her pussy greatly!
Jan 26, 2016

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